About Me:

        Hi I'm Victor. I am an engineer, sailor, tinkerer, and inventor. When I'm not out on the water sailing, studying, or hanging out with friends, you'll find me working on projects that I find interesting.

        Ever since I was I kid, I was always curious and loved to take things apart to see how they worked inside. That interest still drives me to this day and my curiosity has not died down one bit. In high school I completed some very cool projects where I converted a Wankel rotary engine to run on propane and also created light reactive nanocrystals with a microwave.

        My interests further blossomed when I got to college and started studying electrical engineering. As I learned more and more about circuits, I created a game similar to Space Invaders using basic digital chips, a radio transmitter to play IPhone music over the radio, and a swarmbot used for simulated chemical detection.

        Most recently, I created a robot that could autonomously find a charging station to re-charge itself using GPS, image processing techniques, and a Delay Tolerant Network. One of my current projects involves updating a home automation system to become cloud connected. Please stay tuned! I am a recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Tufts University near Boston, MA.

Contact Me:

Victor Ansart
email: vansart1@gmail.com
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